Thursday, June 28, 2018

I will make you a glow ring

I will make you a glow ring


js-gig-main-desc ">All of my rings are handmade in Brooklyn. Done completely by hand, I will deliver to you a ring that will stand out from any that you would order elsewhere due to its design and signature glow.  The glow is charged entirely by UV light, meaning that you can use a UV flashlight or simply leave it in sunlight to generate a glow that will stay for hours.  The prices are determined by the materials used, Aluminum being the cheapest, Damascus Steel being the most expensive (buying it costs over $100/inch!).  If you'd like to see behind the scenes videos and images, my Instagram is @Oxu_Jewelry

I encourage questions and am happy to talk about custom designs and changes if you're interested in ordering from me. The packages are simply there as a basic template and guideline.







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