Thursday, June 28, 2018

I will give a 13 card past, present, future tarot reading with picture of spread

I will give a 13 card past, present, future tarot reading with picture of spread


I will give you a tarot reading with an explanation of each card. it's a 13 card reading including: 3 cards in past (soul mind body) 3 cards in present (soul mind body) 3 cards in future (soul mind body) x3 1 card for each period of time describing a lesson you should have learned/ are learning/ and will learn. The 13th card is a destiny card meaning the ultimate outcome depending on if you choose to follow the cards' suggested path. :) I will take a picture of the cards and attach it to the reading :)


jupitervenus120:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

hughes2214:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

cruise73:Cancelled order. Seller failed to deliver on time!

jupitervenus120:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

hughes2214:cancelled order. seller failed to deliver on time!

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